What would you do if you were the CEO of this company?

BITCI News - Sep 29, 2014

The Responsible Business Lab will premiere at The Responsible Business Forum 2014 . The Lab is a unique and interactive workshop that will provide a platform to think about and discuss in groups, the everyday dilemmas facing businesses that want to operate responsibly. Taking real life scenarios, such as the one below, all delegates will have the opportunity to investigate options that balance long term sustainability with short term business needs.

Tell us what you would do in this scenario.

You are the CEO of a Consumer Goods Company

The packaging supplier for one of your biggest selling products tells you that the packaging could be reduced by half. Your marketing department tells you that the large packaging helps to sell the product and a change in packaging size would certainly affect sales negatively.However, you have committed to improving your environmental impact.

What do you do?

a- Change the box to a smaller size, resulting in lower sales

b- Work with the marketing department to find a solution to reduce the packaging by a little. The changed impact on the environment is minimal

c- Reduce the size of the box substantially. Explain to your customers what has happened and why

Let us know what you would do by either  posting a comment on our LinkedIn Page or send us a Tweet by using the hashtag #rbforum14.