BITCI supports the call to improve access to employment for holders of Stamp 3

BITCI News - Sep 11, 2018

The Irish economy is set to continue to grow and within this context there is a serious shortage of skilled people to fill jobs. Employee recruitment and retention are becoming critical business challenges. Business in the Community Ireland supports the call to improve access to employment for holders of Stamp 3.

Stamp 3 holders are the spouses and partners of people who come to Ireland to work under the Critical Skills and the general employment permit system.

Stamp 3 holders – many of whom are well qualified and experienced – face significant challenges to accessing employment because of the slower process to get an employment permit once they have secured a job offer as it is not possible to get an employment permit without a job offer. This process can sometimes take up to four months.

Business in the Community Ireland is supporting unemployed people facing challenges to get back into employment through a series of programmes engaging more than 35 businesses.

Through our many years’ experience, we understand the difficulties faced by Stamp 3 holders and the need to accelerate processes to secure work permits.

Business in the Community Ireland calls for the review and reform of the regulations which are currently limiting Stamp 3 holders from accessing employment as this is a critical need for Ireland’s economic growth and competitive advantage.
