KPMG: Making Mentoring Matter

Dec 21, 2016
KPMG Staff showing off their impact map highlights

KPMG staff showing off their impact map highlights

Since 2010 KPMG has supported EPIC clients through a specialist Financial Services Mentoring Programme. A significant number of our immigrant jobseekers have backgrounds in accountancy and finance but are not able to secure work in Ireland and face many challenges establishing themselves within their chosen sector. Specialist mentoring by volunteers in KPMG helps to overcome this.

Having a specialist mentor helps our clients to understand Irish workplace culture, informs them about pathways to employment, and builds confidence as well as professional networks.  At the same time, mentors benefit from the opportunity to learn about their field of expertise from an international perspective,  and they are helping to develop a culture of diversity within their companies.

Poliana is from Brazil and worked in the financial sector for nearly 2 years before moving to Ireland in early 2015. She decided to take part in the Mentoring Programme to learn more about how the sector operates in Ireland.  Her KPMG mentor, Allouraine, is providing her with individual advice and support through 6 individual meetings over a period of 20 weeks.

“My mentor has explained me in detail about the areas within the financial sector where I can potentially work. Since our first meeting I adjusted my CV and I have been shortlisted for some interviews, including a position in the financial sector. In our next meeting we will talk about these opportunities”.  Poliana, KPMG Mentee 

Volunteer Allouraine decided to join the programme to build up her mentoring skills, increase her confidence and expand her own networks.

It has been beneficial at a personal level. Mentoring Poliana has given me the opportunity to further increase my confidence when communicating across different sectors”. Allouraine, KPMG Mentor

Like Poliana, four other EPIC clients have their own mentors and are gaining great benefits from this service. The work and dedication of the all KPMG mentors and the support of Karina Howley, Head of Corporate Citizenship, is key to the success of the partnership.

KPMG have also been steadfast supporters of our work placement programme Ready for Work since 2002. They have hosted training days and mock interview sessions at their Dublin sites an impressive 53 times. Special thanks to Catherine Lane for coordinating all our hosting needs.

This year alone KPMG hosted 69 marginalised jobseekers across 5 Ready for Work training events in the year.  Complimentary refreshments were provided each time. They also hosted mock interview sessions in breakout rooms in Harbourmaster Place. Of those 69 people, 39 have already gone onto find work.

A huge thank you to all the staff in KPMG who have welcomed us through the door every time.

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