Archives: 2013

Ulster Bank launches new financial education resource for parents

Ulster Bank has very recently launched a new MoneySense resource, MoneySense at Home, developed to support parents in engaging their children on money issues. The site is free, aimed at giving practical guidance to parents and families on money issues. It’s an extension of, and signposts parents to, the bank’s existing MoneySense for School’s site

Employee engagement through Community Support

Time and money are under pressure today and that’s true for companies as well as individuals. Despite this, many people continue to offer much needed support for charities and local community organisations and schools.

Opportunities for companies to contribute to science syllabus revisions

In early August, Barry Slattery and Anna Walshe from the National Council on Curriculum and Assessment outlined developments in the Leaving Certificate and the Junior Certificate science curricula. A number of opportunities for companies were evident.